Saturday, November 28, 2009

Aprons & Journals

I want to thank Cindi, Valerie, Kat, Melannie & Reanna today for a great class! These girls really rocked the aprons and they did a great job on their art journals. I LOVE teaching in my in home studio! Thank you again ladies! I also want to let the two ladies that couldn't make it today know that my thoughts are with you and you're in my prayers.

I made kits out of my favorite cookies, Cherry Tassies, for all the girls. I will be making some with the kids this week so I'll share pictures and the recipe. It's a keeper, so much so that I'll make one more kit for a giveaway mid week so stop by and check it out!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

1 comment:

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

The aprons are great. I'm sure everyone had a lovely time. Look forward to the Cherry Tassies recipe. :) Best wishes,Tammy