Sunday, July 17, 2011

Lisa's Secret

Have you been fitted for a bra lately?  I'm apparently, extremely late to this party.  I've been putting it off but today I finally went out and got it done.  Why would I put this off you ask?  Oh I don't know...maybe it was because I knew that my fitting would be done by a 10th grade "specialist" who would gasp at the stretched out and ill fitting bra that is "Lisa's Secret" {just keepin it real here people}. was exactly as I'd suspected and I left with new bras that were a cup bigger as you can see in the photo above.  So I can check that box off my to do list for this week, woo hoo!!


connie said...

LOL! What a cute picture and a funny story girl!

miss lynn said...

love it!

Anonymous said...

OMG~~~ You are sososoososo funny!
I did that same adventure just recently ~~~and haven't even put them on..well except too see how pretty the "Pink" one would look with a cute tank........

Less than 2 weeks for Creative Camp Out........
Laura H

. said...

You crack me up!

Anonymous said...

This goes down in the books as one of the funniest ones. Why are both cups still too big on their lil heads. So let me guess after a fun filled day of getting filled up by the 15 yr old. You toss the bag on the couch and the Littles discover you secrect. This is too funny.

xoxo Birens Boo