Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Do you have a Lush store by you?  About 7 years ago my husband and I were on a cruise in Canada and I  popped into a store called Lush, which I'd never heard of.  I purchased quite a lot of soap because we didn't have a Lush in the states at that time.  About 4 years ago a nearby mall opened one and I was over the moon!  If you don't have a store nearby I believe you can buy their soap online.  My favorites are The Godmother and Sexy Peel.  The Godmother smells kind of bubble gummish but it's an even richer scent, if that makes sense.  And Sexy Peel is the strongest lemony scent ever.  I thought I'd share a couple of my favorite beauty items with you before I tear off the adorable packaging. 

If you're lucky enough to have a store local to you for sure try out their Brazen Honey mask.  They have to be kept refrigerated so it's a super cool treat for your face and an excellent reason to lay down for a few minutes and relax!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mom and I discovered it when we went too Disneyland one year~~~It was in a mall across the street from where we were staying....Everything is wonderful and fresh..Beautifully packaged also...
Thank you Lisa for sharing your favs!
Laura H :)